<aside> 👋 Welcome! If others to encounter the Alpha and Omega (Rev 22:13) in new ways then you are in the right place. Together we are AO Lab!

Looking to start a new project or got questions? Reach us at the page below.

About AO Lab


Welcome to AO Lab!

🔍 Vision

We live for a world where all Christians utilize their talents to the fullest for the Alpha and Omega as one body of Christ.

We believe new tools to help us walk the pages of scripture together and share what we learn with each other is the best way we are able to bring that future a few days closer.

Romans 12:4-5, Revelation 22:13

🧭 Mission

Let’s Create For Each Other!

If Christians made tools or content that other Christians modify, change, and adapt we can help each other be the body of Christ together far better than any of us, or any single organization, can be by itself!

Let’s trust the Holy Spirit to do His work of glorifying Jesus and place limits or barriers on others! We must rely upon God to make our labor fruitful and trust Him for our reward.

“Freely You Have Received, Freely Give”

We often think on Jesus’ words in Matthew 10:8. That’s why our community makes is:

Please see the FAQ for a further breakdown of how we hope to sustain ourselves.


Community Experiments Are … Experiments!


Wanna know more ?

We run community experiments to harness our (currently rather small) network within the global Christian community to figure what can and should be made by trying.

We hope for amazing results, but the learning we gain from failure is often just as valuable! We have try with the expectation we will not get it initially. So join us whenever you feel lead to do so and keep in mind things may be a bit clunky for a while. It’s a natural part of the proces. 😎

With prayer and persistence (in that order) we can do this! 💪

Pray → Try → Repeat!