
CasualOS is an open source framework that has been in active development since 2018.


The goal of CasualOS was to try to create a more flexible, interoperable, interactive game engine of sorts that could help us prototype experiences for the Ambient Web. Over time it’s become useful enough to actually make stuff! It’s not perfect, but it does have it’s advantages.

Anyway, the goal is to make stuff more…

<aside> 🕳️ If you want to go back in the time machine, here’s a white paper from 2018 I wrote for the organization that eventually became Casual Simulation; the first 8 or so pages are still mostly relevant.

2018 CasualOS White Paper.pdf


A Long-Tail Content Strategy

All content created using CasualOS will be easily modifiable, remixable, and editable for the global Christian community to benefit from as may be desired. This will enable us to partner with other ministries in ways hitherto not possible and create tools that can be contextualized to situations we cannot today anticipate.

Offline Functionality for the Global (And Persecuted) Church

All content created can be made available entirely offline for dozens of simultaneous users by means of a cheap Raspberry PI Linux computer and other low-cost hardware. Biblical content on such a device also enables Christians to deploy a local learning environment anywhere in the world with greatly reduced risk.

Together we hope these benefits can enable the creation of life-giving digital tools and content that can easily be sustained, maintained, adapted, modified, or simply enjoyed on low-cost hardware either on or off the grid*.*

New Paradigms