👋 Welcome!

Let’s get you up to speed on CasualOS, the IDE we use for our community experiments. It will be unfamiliar at first due to it’s inherently collaborative nature, but it has many benefits.

Further Reading:

Why CasualOS?

How We Dev 👊

When it comes to actually getting stuff done we recommend you prototype as much as you can for several reasons.

  1. We learn UI and UX constraints that wouldn't occur to us if we were to simply design it

  2. It generates functional code can reference or build on for the future

  3. We can immediately test and learn if the idea was somehow flawed in ways we had anticipated.


This helps us avoid the #1 flaw of most developers and engineers! Optimizing stuff that shouldn’t exist. Lastly, please make your code as clean and readable for others as possible; our goal is to make things others can easily understand and modify!

🦾 Actor-Model Thinking

The below video required viewing if you’re a dev and you want to know how we truly try to approach problems! It’s a foundational piece of history all of us should know.


🪂 7 Steps to Jump In!